Terms of Service

AppExert Labs OPC Pvt Ltd (SAC: 8314), with addresses at 2001 Blvd. Robert Bourassa, Suite 1700, Montreal, QC, H3A 2A6, Canada, and RMZ Millenia Business Park, Campus 4B Chennai 600096, India, offer services to companies referred to as Clients as per the terms of services mentioned below. The Clients accept the terms by signing the Agreement or making Payment towards the invoice.


Depending on the services required by the Clients, we will form a team of skilled and experienced professionals as per the Invoice or the Agreement. We will introduce the client to the team who will work with them on the specific project. AppExert takes the responsibility of creating sprints that are agreeable to the client. The team's work on the tasks of the Client's project, project planning, and management, including time tracking, is handled by us. The Services will be delivered to the clients at the agreed-upon intervals called Sprints. For instance, if the time interval is 2 calendar weeks for the agreed tasks, the team shall deliver the same unless there are major roadblocks. The team members may work as part-time employees having to clock more than 30 hours of work or as full-time employees clocking more than 60 hours of work. Certain team members may have different minimum work hours as agreed by both parties.

The team commences work only after the Client has approved the team members provided by Us. It also needs to be approved by the client. The work will commence once We receive the deposit. If more information is needed for the completion of certain tasks, it has to be provided within 3 working days after the receipt of the request. Once the Sprint is complete, the client has to review the services and check if it complies with the agreed work and industry standards.

The client can accept the work done during the Sprint or reject it within 5 calendar days following the Sprint End date. If the work is rejected, the Client shall provide a detailed review demonstrating that the task is not as per agreed terms. The tasks not rejected by the client during this period are deemed as accepted. Any rejections sent after the expiration of the rejection period, the Services are deemed to be provided and accepted. However, these tasks can be planned in the next Sprint cycle, and the Client must pay for those tasks. But if, after the review, it has been found that there are deviations from what was agreed with the Clients or is not as per common industry practices, the time spent on those tasks will be disregarded for the calculation of the fee.

Client Access to Resources

The team working on the project shall provide the client with access to the task management system used for building it. As part of the handover, the source code will be provided using a version control system, interface design, Jira, or other resources as agreed by both parties.

Intellectual Property Rights

After completing the tasks, the team members transfer the IP rights to the clients for which they have paid. The client shall retain any IP rights to information that was disclosed for the purpose of service delivery. When the Client provides information, the team members are given a non-exclusive, free, non-assignable, and transferable license for the IP and information provided until the course of service delivery only. Based on the client's choice, the team is required to destroy or return the copies of IP after the delivery of the services. Only the results of the services can be used by the team members for their presentations and portfolios.


Each party should treat any information that is shared in the course of delivering the services confidentially. It should not be disclosed to any third party except to complete the contract. Reasonable procedures shall be implemented to prohibit misuse or unauthorised disclosure.

Suspension of Services

With or without notice, the team can terminate the contract if the payment is not made or due information needed to complete the tasks is not provided within the stipulated period.